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Location: PA, United States


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Pinkfire re-bags all his food at the grocery store in Pearisburg. We didn't want all the excess garbage, so we would always put our food in ziplock baggies.
Happy 21st to me... celebrating with Tyson... :)
Tyson's friend Herbert... we met on my birthday... Herbert had biked through Oregon.
Pretty flowers...
That grow in funny ways...
Really good smelling flowers that attrack people and butterflies
Breathtaking mountains eh?
Cute little frog
Pinkfire's boot - I was playing with sepia tones
Really neat trees - this is a prize picture if you look at it the right way. :)
More stellar photography in black and white... ok, or maybe just a bad pic of my boots.. whatever
looking up
looking down at my poles..
beware... this water has not be tested for your safe consumption
This is a stream - i thought it would turn out better, but it was very picturesque

Fire burns stuff..
yep - there it is, burning away...
An old abandoned house in the middle of the woods - eerie, but cool
the Sherwood Oak tree? ? it was really big
and we climbed over this stile, right under the tree, but of course pinkfire didn't notice the tree. silly city boy.
just like it says.. pretty neat
love the black and white pics
Memorial to a Vetertan who died in a plane crash near the top of this mountain
there it is - Audie Leon Murphy
wicked cool orange fungi
sweet straight rows of trees
Three little black cows all in a row
looks a little like a petunia doesn't it?
I wish I could remember the names of all the views and mountains and stuff..
This was a rock on top of other rocks... until i pushed it over... jk...
Smile! on top of Tinker Cliffs, probably my favorite view of the whole trip
Mountains from Tinker Cliff view
Happy little turtle. Did you know that on the trail, people say that if you move a turtle of the trail, you will find a trail angel?
Beautiful lake I wanted to swim in.
Perfect sun rays - another top picture - definately in my top 10 of the trip
more fungi
did you know that turtles eat mushrooms? deers do too.
This was actually called "the guillotine"
This snake was at my parent's campsite... just chillin' on the rocks - we named him George
Loz came to visit!
Yay for real good food, but even bigger yay for getting to see mum and pop!
Look at Pinkfire's face - he is just SOOO proud of himself for walking 5 miles barefoot! You should have seen him at the end of the 5 miles, his look was a little different then.
Making hamburgers.. yum yum
and making more food, that's what we hikers like to see!
more George
Pinkfire awws us all with his musical abilities - mum complimented his playing and actually requested songs... but seriously, we all enjoyed his playing.
ah there... getting into the music a little more...
Now - the true purpose of this picture, aside from showing our dashing good looks and pearly white smiles was to highlight the armpit hair growing on Loz's arms.. lol... good times.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey All

So they finally ran our story in the Meadville Tribune. Of course, they managed to not do the one thing we had asked them to do, include our web address. Sigh. Anyhow, the article is really good and most of the quotes are legitimate. I had a nice chat with Jenga last night. Her and Pinkfire have been slackers for a few days at a hostel providing them with lots of food and fun for little money. The current plan is to be at Harpers Ferry by August 20th. Unfortunately, I will not be joining them. My mom has been in the hospital for over a week now and I'm needed at home. Also, my foot hasn't completely healed and risking re-injury doesn't seem logical when i need to be at college for work by the end of next week. The 500+ miles i did hike were amazing though! and I will definately look forward to hiking more of the AT in years to come! Thanks everybody who helped make this happen for us!

Much Love

10:21 PM  

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