My Photo
Location: PA, United States


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some trees just don't know which way to grow way up there in the mountains...
At Fontana Village - Milkshake and cheese... my two most common cravings...
The shelter was actually labeled this - best night's sleep I had in a long while...
So many sweet frogs at the Hilton!
Beautiful sunrise at the Hilton too
SNake... Rattlesnake to be exact.
Looking down on Fontana Lake
Pinkfire and the mountains
It's war... it was long, and bloody... and I eventually lost.
Dusty and Dorian and the Meadville reunion
Bubba Cola - found on the trail... so wonderful
we like mountains. we actually live in the mountains
Pinkfire likes to climb things to look over them..
And he's a good guitar player... and piano player too
You can't really see, but those are my hands on top of max patch - covered in strawberry juice.
wow... another beautiful picture i don't remember taking... oh wait, i'm pretty sure that's off of max patch too - it was amazing up there.
waiting for pinkfire to catch up to us before our triumphal entry into hot springs.
Loz misses her chopsticks that she lost... she reminisces their memory while we stay at Elmer's Hostel in Hot springs... someone should send her a pair of chopsticks to the next mail drop!
yes... this is the hot tub at hot springs... never felt so good.
the bed at Elmer's hostel in hot springs... it was the sweetest house... ever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So like, I just wanted to let you know that we have the rest of your cake here. It looks really good though perhaps difficult to cut. I suppose it is unkind to tell you that we have your cake here seeing as you are deprived AT hikers. By the way, AT could also stand for Astronomers of Today. Have a good one. Karina.

10:25 PM  

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