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Location: PA, United States


July 18-July27

Note: Loz, Todd and I just returned from visiting with Pinkfire and Jenga for two nights at Cave Mountain campground. Todd and I had the joy of seeing Jenga for the first time since June 1, and the fun of meeting Pinkfire, who was pleasant and entertaining. We did our best to fill them and their backpacks with food before they went on their way. Loz had a reunion with her trail partners, and if her foot continues to heal, plans to return by next weekend. -Alyson

July 18
Tough six miles up out of Pearisburg 3:00 we reached rice field shelter. We read in the log book how beautiful it is at night time, so we voted to stop and appreciate the location. The H2O source was a ridiculous .4 miles downhill, but H2O, as we all know, is a necessity. I'm currently cooking ramen-all by myself! This is the 3rd dinner I will have cooked since I've been out here. It turned out awfully good. Off to watch the sunset-city lights and stars come out.

July 19
Well, well, well-where to begin? I woke up at 6 am to watch an absolutely spectacular sunrise. Left the shelter by 8 with a long 25 mile day in mind. Beautiful terrain the first 12 miles. Met our friends Bob and Kevin slackpacking-SOBO for the day-they warned me not to stop at the shelter due to a weird person there. So I ate lunch a little past it. Then, I found another sign warning me that the stony creek bridge was out. So of course, decided to attempt to ford the stream. I got across-no problem (boots actually off this time) and I washed off in the stream. An hour or so later, Pinkfire made it successfully across as well. His shin was bothering him, so we chilled by the stream at least another hour, deciding that our 25 mile day would come another time. 4:45-I decided to tackle the mountain- 1.5 miles, 1000' + climb. I tried to do it without breaking a sweat, but think that it's impossible. Eventually got to Bailey's shelter. Got stung by a bee-yuck! and super annoyed by gnats, flies, mosquitos, etc. Pinkfire showed up, and we decided this shelter is no good, so pulled out at 6:45 pm with thunder beginning to be heard. Oh, the night is young. We booked it 4 miles (rocky trail like PA) to get to a great camping spot on top of windy rock. .2 miles before the summit, we meet at least 100 pioneer dressed people on a dirt rod traveling with hand carts. They were very friendly and offered us H2O and talked to us for a while. When we left, we couldn't help but laugh. Got to Windy Gap around 8:30 in time to see a wicked lightning storm 3 mountains away and headed towards us. We're in a tight spot. Nearly dark and lightning, so we eat a snack and finally vote to make a run for the next shelter, which is 5 miles away. HA. My headlamp is CRAP for night hiking, so we had to take it real slow. Pinkfire tried to help, looking back when rocks and stuff were there- but I still managed to turn both ankles and land flat on my butt once. It got pretty rocky and difficult so we stopped to jury-rig my hand held maglight to by headlamp band-What a difference! WOW! No falls after that. We found the shelter-empty, thank goodness, at about 10:45. 5 miles, in the dark, in an hour and 45 minutes. Wow. So we cooked dinner, read the log book, chillaxed and stretched-in bed by midnight. What a day-my longest yet.

July 20
Happy 21st Andrea Settle
So ya'll are gonna laugh when you read about today compared to yesterday. Well, we woke up around 11 am, ate lunch and such and slowly rolled out around 1 pm. Met a HUGE uphill section (2000' up) and took a nice long break at Kelly's Knob at the top. Called the Meadville Tribune reporter from there and answered some interview questions. Finally made it down the hill to Laurel Creek Shelter- 5.8 miles for the day HA! Had a lovely campfire and cooked our dinners over the open flames. Nice relaxing day.

July 21
It's Friday-the weekend-where are all the hikers? We saw 0 people today-but I did spot buck #3-about 4" spikes up on the ridge today. Pinkfire said he saw a little rattlesnake too. Ah-and the highlight of the day-in memory of Tyler's cravings-mixed berries! Yes, it's true, I took time out of my busy walking schedule to pick both black raspberries and blueberries-and I even put some into a bag to consume for dessert later in ghe evening. What a delightful form of natural trail magic. So after a 10 am (Why so late again, you ask? Because we just slept so well, its hard to get up) We hiked 12.4 for the day-more than double what we did yesterday. Perhaps we'll double that tomorrow? Who knows. Niday Shelter is pleasant-fewer bugs than we've been accustomed to recently. In fact, we've been setting the tent up inside the shelter to escape the bugs. They can get so bad that I'd rather be hiking up a gigantic mountain than sitting around being eaten by bugs.

July 22
Slept well last night. Set my goal at 16 miles down the road for a cheeseburger for dinner. During those 16 miles, saw buck #4, velvet still on his antlers. Got to the place they call Dragon's Tooth. A Beautiful 360 degree view-spectacular. Called home from there, and not 15 minutes after I hung up, the skies let loose. I decided rather than run it out (rocks were intense up there) that I would hunker down under some trees with my pack cover and raincoat. I somehow managed to keep my boots and pack pretty dry-so 20 minutes later when the rain let up a little, I scrambled down the crazy wet cliffs. Only fell once and bruised my knee-no biggie. Eventually got to the grocery store around 5:40 pm. Ate a cheeseburger and some Dr. Pepper. Sat outside and watched more torrential downpours. Called home and got them all worried cuz I didn't know where I'd sleep tonight. Pinkfire didn't show by 7 pm, so I took my only cheap, logical option and ran... 7 miles in 2 1/2 hours. It was ridiculous-I didn't want to, but I had no other options. The sunset was beautiful and I only had to headlamp for the last mile. Not bad for a 23.5 mile day that began, once again, at 9 am. Mornings are tough, ya know?

July 23
What a spectacular day! Woke up around 8ish...took a lazy, slow 2.3 miles up to McAfee's Knob for lunch-another mile down to Campbell's shelter where I laid on the porch for over an hour, chatting with various people and writing in the log. Left there around 2 and made it 1000' up to Tinkercliffs, so far my favorite view/chill out place. I fell asleep on the cliffs for at least an hour-so nice! Walked the last 1.1 miles of my 9.3 mile day down to Lambert's Shelter-met up with "The Virginia Creepers" and ate 2 dinners. Still awaiting Pinkfire-hoping he catches me before town so I can give him Loz's food...we'll see how things play out tonight and tomorrow morning. This is my 50th night on the trail!!

Well, have no fear folks...9:40PM, a happy little headlamp walks into the shelter. Cooks some dinner, baits the shelter mice with macaroni and we throw rocks at them and around midnight-everyone is tucked in their sleeping bags and life is good.

July 24
Happy Birthday Chad.
Well, today began, as most recent mornings have, around 10:30 am. After much encouragement, I coaxed Pinkfire out of his sleeping bag and into his boots. That usually means it's safe for me to depart and still see him later in the day. So I set off-10 miles into Daleville, VA. I passed the "Virginia Creepers" and made it to the main road by 2:30/3:00 (After I had washed off in a stream .5 miles before) and as I was strolling along the highway, getting stared at by every car that passed, I heard a loud, "YO!" Pinkfire had caught up. We easily agreed to hit up Wendy's first. I had high hopes of at last tasting a vanilla Frosty-but no luck. Pinkfire quickly devoured 4 Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers and a large french fry. Next stop, the outfitters to see if they knew anyone who would shuttle me to the Troutville PO 2-3 miles away. A phone call later, Trail Angel "Del" agrees to pick me up in 1/2 hour. YAY! After playing with Sydney, the dog at the outfitter's, and getting my mail drop and purchasing brand new hiking underwear, we headed for a quick stop at Kroger's next door. Cantaloupe and milk were all I needed so our next goal of the day: Showers, laundry and call home. Our obvious choice was to head to the truck stop-sad to find out you had to be a truck driver to purchase a shower there. Pinkfire immediately scored a free shower, so I set to work on the laundry. After he showered, he ranted and raved so much about how good it felt, that I felt compelled to try my luck. (By this time it's after 7:30 pm, and we don't know where we're sleeping yet) so I made friends with a trucker and got a free shower card also. Clean hiker=happy hiker. By 9:00 our laundry is finally done, and the guy that got me a free shower asked us to have coffee with him. He was born in Germany, grew up in Switzerland, went to school at GA Tech, a VERY interesting 33 year old Jewish Guy named Isad (Issac). So at 11:00PM, we finally left that truck stop and tried to get some dinner at Hardee's but no luck...they were closed. So, back to a different truck stop for a Subway dinner-Yum Yum.

Random Rant:
Believe it or not, I've met more people out here hiking the AT that chain smoke than I know in my real life. I can't understand it...the woods are so stress free and yet people find the need to harm their lungs while strengthening muscles. An imponderable for you all.

July 25
Well, when you go to bed after 2 am, don't expect to get rolling too early the next morning. We woke up around 10:30/11:00 AM, when the rain started to pound against the tent. Pinkfire asked me what I wanted to do...I said, It'll probably stop in an hour. So we lazed around in the hot tent. Pinkfire pulled out his needle and thread to make repairs to his sleeping bag. By a little after noon, the rain did let up, so we packed up and headed onward by 1 PM. We cut the day short at 9 miles, due to a late start and town sickness. Nothing hurt, just a bigger day tomorrow.

July 26
Mark this day down in infamy folks...for unknown reasons, Pinkfire arose at 6 am and broke camp by 6:45. I asked him if he was ok, and he said yes. I left an hour later and caught up to him 2.5 miles down the trail. I think he's enjoying the scenery while I'm enjoying the exercise. I have this weird tendency-whenI know a huge 1000' or more climb is coming up, I challenge myself to make it to the tip-top without stopping or drinking water. It's quite fun. Anyways, crossed the Blue Ridge Parkway bunches today, 13 miles with no H2O available because we stayed at such high elevations. Made it easy to do 20ish miles today. Bryant Ridge Shelter is absolutely AMAZING! It's like a log house almost-so glad I get to stay here. Pinkfire hasn't made it yet-but it's only 9 PM-I'll give him another hour before I assume he tented somewhere for the night. Silly squirrels sound like deer and lizards sound like snakes when walking on the trails, but I did see buck #5 this evening. We played the staring game for quite a while-he was a big-bodied 6 point, still had velvet on his antlers. Mom and Dad are meeting us 10.3 miles from here, tomorrow night at 6PM. They are bringing Loz with them, as well as lots of food and cold drinks. But really, I am majorly looking forward to seeing my parents for the first time in 60-some days. Life is good here on the AT-hope everyone at home is enjoying their summer!

July 27
Had the palace to myself last night-but I slept well so it was all good. Got up aroud 8 AM and made some hot water for my oatmeal-normally I just enjoy it cold. Around 9 I headed out and up. A 2000' climb in the next 5 miles. Saw another buck-this was just a little 4 point-his ears were bigger than his spikes! Took lots of breaks and tried to slow myself down. Got to the next shelter and hung out for 2 hours. Cooked ramen for lunch-very unusual for me and at 1:30 I left for my last 5 miles of the day. Saw at least 1/2 dozen deer, all close, none scared. Made it to the "Guillotine" by 3:30 and decided to wait till 5 for Pinkfire to maybe catch up. We'll see- he's got 1/2 hour left right now. It's mid afternoon, late July, and I've got my raincoat on because I'm cold. What's wrong with me?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pinkfire's Momn says:

Many, many thanks to Jenga's parents for giving my son food. I'm really excited that in a few weeks we will be seeing him. Hope your shin is better. stay safe. Call home when you can. Wink says hi he will look at the blogger spot.We miss and love you. Mom, Dad, and Jen

12:21 PM  

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