Loz finds a happy tree - or maybe two white blazes that got a little love.

This is an example of a shelter that we might have stayed at - but it was a little smaller than the ones we were used to. Actually - this one was called an emergency shelter and wasn't supposed to be used by normal thru-hikers...

The VA-TN border crossing - right before we got into Damascus, it just feels like such an accomplishment to walk through an entire state ya know?

Again, right before Damascus, we met some dogs - they are all begging for a bite of Loz's OCP. (oatmeal cream pie)

Loz admire's the view from one of the many grassy hilltops we crossed.

These pics look better when viewed bigger - I think if you click on them you can see them bigger... at least that's how it works on my computer.

Ah yes - the Mountains that like to hide in field clothes (aluding to the story of the wolf who hides in sheeps clothing) These hills looked all nice and friendly and easy because they were covered in grass. HA! They weren't.

Feral Ponies!

Yes - this was a wild baby pony that I befriended

They were so adorable!

Right before the Grayson Highlands - these wild ponies roam free

Ah - the Grayson Highlands themselves - probably all of our favorite section - they were absolutely stunning with rock formations, coniferous and deciduous trees and lots of wildlife... real sweet.

I guess it was threatening rain that day - but we got lucky and avoided it - as we did most of the summer. I think I had maybe 7 days with mentionable rain, out of 80.

The Grayson Highlands - sensational


HA. This is called the Fat-Man Squeeze or something like that. We knew it was coming, so we were looking for it. We looked a little too hard! We actually walked past it, looked back and saw it and walked through and didn't realize we had gotten turned around and ended up walking 2 miles back the way we had just come. The terrain was beautiful so we enjoyed it - and were glad that if we had to get lost, at least it was in the most beautiful section of the lower half of the trail.

The bumble bees really liked Loz's boot - I think they were attracted by the beautiful smell and all the sweaty salt?

Icy cool waterfall - Loz tried to bathe - I just sat and read - there's no use cleaning up when you're just gonna sweat 10 minutes later... at least in my opinion

Cute little non-poisonous snake poses for a picture

Big smiles -

Pinkfire made the Damascus paper... aww what a cute, soft-spoken, clean, thoughtful, adorable picture of him eh?

Fire is fun... at Partnership shelter the last night on the trail w/ Loz

We lived it up - 2 liters all around - all the s'mores Loz could force down my throat, hot pizza... and there was even a shower attached to the shelter - that's not hiking, that's camping!

Toad hanging out by the privy

prolly another rattlesnake. Pinkfire's dad said I took too many pictures of rattlesnakes.. It's just that it was so exciting to see them, and have them sit and rattle at you.. I couldn't just pass them by without taking their pictures...

bright orange flowers...

a 'shroom

My favorite flowers EVER. Black-eyed susans. wow.

This is how they mark the trail when we go through fields and cow pastures and such

A little newt... I like newts because of Monty Python - "She turned me into a newt!" "a newt?" "... I got better."

The actual firepink flower

A moment in time captured on camera - This is right up among my top three favorite pictures from the summer. I took the picture and then looked up and the sun streak was gone... it was stunningly special.

This too is radiant - God is truly the master painter...

Pinkfire stops to jot down the words to a song he made up.. I think this was on a section of the trail that was extremely flat - weirdly cool.

Ah - A lot of people have said they like this picture. I remember the events of the evening better. We were headed like .8 miles past this spot, but as we crossed 1 road, we saw interstate 81 (the road pictured) and there was a small hill between the two roads. the hill had a delightfully flat top and it was almost sunset - so we made the decision to tent there that night. The cars were loud, but lulling - watching their headlights after dark was sensational - along with the fire we built, and the stars and fireflies. That was also the first night my mum talked to Pinkfire on the phone. It must have been shortly after Loz got off - when my parents were still adjusting to the fact that I was out there "by myself" Even though I really was hardly ever by myself - i ended up the entire summer spending only 3 nights completely alone.

The sunset from the aforementioned hilltop between the roads.

Yeah - it was a pretty one.

Another non-dangerous snake that I took a picture of.

Suspended bridge - very picturesque

reflections always intrigue me

Finally!!! I waited on the bridge at least an hour for this kid - because we were headed to "Trent's Grocery Store" for dinner - and it ended up that we tented and showered and did laundry there for 6$ each. Yeeeeah.

July 16th - Behind Trent's Grocery store in the tent/RV area - I finally convinced Pinkfire to cut my hair. Must have been 4-5 inches. My hairdresser said he did a pretty good job for just having a swiss army knife.


Hello Mr. Snake

He always was climbing silly pointless rocks... only fell once that he admitted to me.

This is
Tyson the rooster that Pinkfire adopted in Pearisburg. Although seemingly extravagant - he was a worthwhile companion that night for my birthday (well both Pinkfire and Tyson were good to have around) and Tyson actually made it to the shelter at mile marker 666 - I suppose we left him as a sacrifice to the devil? hmm...

Outside the "Magic Mart" or whatever it was called where we found Tyson.
Hair looks blonder than I remember
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