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Location: PA, United States


Meet Virginia

Hey again. I feel like I've been on a computer so much recently... Loz and I made it to Damascus, VA in 2 1/2 days - we actually booked it this morning, 15 miles by 1:00 - ridiculous! I'm at a public library... we're planning on having calzones for dinner tonight! hoo-boy. Thanks Erin for the birthday shoutout - i was thinking today, 10 days until I turn 21! Please if you are sending things, make sure they're light weight! I have so much food right now after this mail drop (thanks mum, it's amazing!) that i'm not gonna be able to fit it all in my food bag tonight. Guess I'll have to eat a big breakfast here in the morning before heading up into the mountains again. We caught up to pinkfire, or rather as I was sitting here at the computer, he caught up to us.. he's spending another day, so we'll most likely be at the same pace again as far as I know. Carrie and Mosa, our female friend and her dog are not far ahead of us, and Filidelfia is not far behind. We read that Kilt and his dog Angel got off here and Angel had 9 puppies!!! So fun! Well - I'm off to shower and chill... Love you all - enjoy July!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lauren (and trailmates)!
I got your message! My summer is going well, working a lot. I hope that your travels are going well. I read the updates, and it all sounds really fun!
Good luck and I'll be sure to read all about your journeys on here!

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lauren, when we talked last night you said that you couldn't send your memory card home since you didn't have the other one. I have one that I'll be including in the shipment at Pearisburg, but you should have the other two...I sent the first one I received with the shipment to Karina (I think) I do know that I put it in with a little bag of bandaids and toothpaste type items. If you find it, then you can send your current memory card home...Love, Mom

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pinkfire's Family says:

Glad you are all safe and sound. We absolutely love the pictures. Glad you fond a guitar- know how much you love playing it. Old man loves the beard said he's thinking of growing one too. What an incredible summer for you all. Take care, best to all. Love to pinkfire and can't wait till we see you.

Love Mom

8:22 AM  

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