June 14-June 24
Spent the day at the NOC (Nantahala Outdoor Center) watching the river flow by. They were training white water rafting guides so we got to watch them playing in the river. Loz and I did laundry and showers-then had chicken quesadillas for lunch, ice cream sandwiches for snack-a coke each, chicken shepa for dinner and a pint of Ben and Jerry's Fudge ice cream for dessert. How fabulous. Bought an air pad to sleep on-hope it helps me sleep through the night better. I did a puzzle at night and we all went to bed pretty late (10:30)
Woke up to Loz telling me I had just slept through a huge thunderstorm at 6:30 am. Turns out she was delusional. The hurricane hit NC south of us. Yay!! So I woke Pinkfie up around 8 and we went to the store and I got an ice cream sandwich for breakfast. Took another shower, headed up the mnts by 10 am. 7 miles up-literally-with the heaviest packs we'll ever carry (12 days food and full H2O) and we met the boy scouts for lunch. Then we pushed on another 9 miles to FINALLY make it to Brown Fork shelter by 7:30/ 16 mile today-mostly uphill. Twas a rough day.
What a night last night. Still can't believe that late uphill hike. Crazy. So I let the sleepyheads sleep in a little bit this am. We finally got on the trail by 9 am. Made it to lunch pretty easily-quite a bit of uphill after that though....(There was a lengthy discussion of sweat here, which the editor edited out)...We got to Fontana Dam today and took the $2 Shuttle to the ice cream/grocery store. Our purchases thus far are:
2 milkshakes
1 big block of cheese
1 loaf of bread
1 Mt. Dew
1 can of potato sticks
1 pack of oreo's
1 bag of grapes
1 banana
That was just for Loz and I. Pinkfire had 3 root beers, 4 sandwiches and other foods to last him through the Smokey Mountains. It has been a good day thus far-my right big toe is a little numb, but only when I'm not walking-so I guess It'll be ok. My new wxpensive air mattress gave me a beautiful night's sleep-short, but comfortable. We're headed into the Smokey Mountains tonight. 1600 Bears in the very near vicinity. Should be an interesting next few days.
Last night we went swimming in Fontana Lake. What a blast!! It was so fun to use muscles other than those required for hiking. Yay. Then we cooked some dinner around 8:30 and chatted with the 7 or so other people staying at the "Fontana Hilton" literally, they have that name on the outside of the shelter-it had runnig water, electric lights and a chain linkfence around it to keep out the wildlife. Plus, trash cans and flush toilet 100 yards away. Talk about high living-wow. So I slept really well last night-slept in until 6:08 this AM-which is good for me. Loz and I had oatmeal and hot chocolate for breakfast-then she crossed the dam and headed for the mountains while pinkfire and I stopped to take advantage of the free showers provided for hikers. Someone had even left some shampoo there for me. We finally crossed the dam aroung 9:454 and by 10:15 were pretty mych taking another shower-in our own sweat. Caught up to Loz around noon and got a view of the world from a fire tower-SO breathtaking. Headed another mile to a campsite for lunch. On the way up, Loz saw a1 bear and pinkfire and I saw 3 snakes-including our first rattlesnake. Got pictures and everything-very exciting. It was just soaking in the sunshine on some rocks atop the mountain. Saw quite a few people today-very few headed the same direction as us anymore. Since tomorrow if Father's Day, we're hoping to find generous picnicing families. Got in early (4:00) to Mollies Ridge shelter tonight-We're in a "bear alert" area-but talked to folks who stayed here last night with no signs of beastly activity. Although now that we're in the Smokeys, there are supposedly wild boars running rampant-and close on their heels is the boar hunter. He's supposed to carry a big old gun with night vision scope and go around and kill the boars. I hope we get to meet him. We've noticed a few ticks today-so we do thorough checks throughout the day.
Ah-something that struck me again yesterday-waiting for things really does make them better. That milkshake I finally had yesterday-it tasted divine because I had built up such anticipation for it- and every time I thought about it, I enjoyed it too. That works in the real world too-having to wait for things and then really enjoying them. And now-to end the day's entry with some song lyrics that have been playing in my head all day:
If you're going through hell
Keep on going
Don't slow down.
If you're scared
don't show it
Your might get out
before the devil even knows you're there...
Oh yeah-one more thing before I sign off for the day-as we were ascending 3000 feet early this morning, I was expecially thankful for my beating heart. It has served me so well alreay this trip-and I sure ask a lot of it when we tackle those mountains-and the sweat is literally streaming down our faces, my faithful little heart is pumping gallons and gallons of blood to my limbs. It's so strong and so reliable. It's a good thing to have. In other news-its 8:00 pm and Loz is already in bed. So I'll just ramble for a bit. We ate 3 dinners between us tonight-since we're still agead-we have just decided to eat untl we're no longer hungry. There are probably half a million gnats swarming around me right now-how fun. My right big toe is still partially numb and I got stung by a bee today on my foot. All in all-feeling good.
Next subject-a little more serious-water. It's importance is astounding. The ownership of, the consumption of and the ability to axquire it. I spent at least 30 minutes today watching precious drops of the liquid gold drip into water bottles today and this make me realize how often most people take it for granted. To have running water in you house-what a luzury! I will forever appreciate running H2O after this trip.
Moving on the the daily report of things we did today. Woke at 6:30-left by 7:30-went over 6 miles to an early lunch at 10:45, then went up 6 more miles till dinner at 4:45 and here we sit. It's been another beautiful day weatherwise-no real rain to speak of in 2 weeks. The temps are 85 in the day and 50 at night. Feels so much colder when the wind blows. Well-off to my mashed potatoes for dinner. mmmmboy.
Loz's quote of the day:
"I give up, just turn my body into a gnat feast" Jenga
Walking to PA from GA is a completely different animal than a day or week hike. There's just no comparison. So today-early start-7:30-got to a shelter for lunch right before the downpour. It lasted for half and hour or so and sufficiently made the grass wet for the remainder of the afternoon. Got to Clingman's Dome-so smokey we couldn't see anything-pretty anti-climatic, but there still were alot of people around. Got to the shelter around 4-pinkfire shows up soon after, sounding like a bear-then shortly following come 2 guys-a little older than us, and most obviously wrestlers. Loz asked where they were from and the older one say, from PA-a small town south of Erie-Meadville. Our mouths dropped to the ground. They are Dusty and Dorian Heist. We went to high school with them. Small world. They brought with them a mechede (for bears) and an axe to cut down trees. Therefore-we have a rip roaring fire riht now to dry out our boots. It's unbelievable how everything works out better than you could ever imagine. Trails have a funny way of working the kinks out of a day.
On further reflection-I disagree with my last statement. The trail does not work the kinks out of a day. The trail does absolutely nothing. The trail is simply the meduim by which we are able to discover deeper truths about ourselves, humans, nature and most importantly, God. We had so many unmelievably wonderful things happen to us today. After stayingwith Dorian and Dusty-we were still in shock that we had met Meadville boys on the AT. We set out at 7:15 for our first ever 20 mile day. Right before lunch, we just reached the top of a 1000 ft. climb and there sitting on the trail is a 2 liter of "Bubba's Cola". How did the trail angels know I had been craving carbonated caffeine? Then-we got to the next shelter at lunch and there were 4 goth high school kids with a cooler full of hot dogs and ketchup and all sorts of stuff. Apparently they left the soda on the trail. Then-we meet a girl from TN-goint to acting school in Chicago-its her last day on the trail and she gladly donates a full bag of trail mix and 10 hot dogs. Amazing! The 20 miles could not go by fast enough. Out of water-completely. We finally rolled into our target shelter around 6 pm-met 6 other short term hikers and enjoyed our hot dogs and the benches to the fullest. What an amazing day. I really don't think our first 20 mile day could have been better than it was. We're roughly 220 miles into the trail-17 days and it just keeps getting better.
Now for my observation of the day. 2 things on the trail naturally excite me. 1.Cold Water and 2. Double Blazes. The cold water thing- any form, a stream, spring, lake, or rain-I love it. It wasn't until today when we finally ran out of water that I fully appreciated its importance. The double blazes mean that something is coming up on the trail. Either a turn or a view or a spring or a gap or a sign or a road or some other interesting part of the trail. I love to see those double blazes. ooowhee.
MMM...as I'm writing tonight, I am eating cheese puffs at the shelter. They are amazing. Pinkfire just attempted to feed a frog a cheese puff-unsuccessfully. So on to the previous parts of the day. Woke up at 6:30 as usual, got out by 7:15-pretty fast morning. All downhill for 15 miles Pinkfire and I got into Davenport Gap shelter around 2:30- that's including an hour lunch break. Talk about some fast miles today-feet were a little tender and blistery from our 20 miles yesterday. Anyway, Loz didn't sleep much last night and so 3 miles before the shelter she decided she needed to lie down and take a nap. So-when she got to the shelter, she went to sleep again for 3 hours while pinkfire and I ventured 2.5 miles further into the gap to a place called "Kountry Mama's Kitchen" where we ate the absolute best cheeseburgers ever. (Pinkfire actually downed two). I had a berries and cream Dr. Pepper and a sunkist orange pop, and a small bag of white cheddar popcorn and and ice cream sandwich. Pinkfire carried a root beer and a milky way for Loz and we all feasted tonight. We're at a shelter alone for the first time in a while-1 mile left in the Smoky mountains.
Max Patch is absolutely beautiful. We have a full panoramic view of the mountains and soft grass beneath our sleeping bags. Tummies full of potatoes and wild strawberries and happy hiker minds because we know that on Saturday we have actual reservations at the hot ubs in Hot Springs, NC. Amazing.
So we woke up today and relized there was a hostel 3.5 miles ahead. So-we pushed to get there for a 9:30 breakfast of a supreme Djorno Pizza. Delicious! We also happened upon a hiker box that had a package of pancake mix in it-so of course I made them-put them in a plastic bag and tooke them for a 3:00 lunch. We hiked for a total of 16.4 hard miles today so that we can sleep up here under the stars. We have finished about250.9 miles of the trail to this point. Pretty impressive for 19 days. My fingers are completely strawberry stained and I plan to increase the red color in them before the ebening ends. Good night and here's hoping for some brilliant stars tonight."
Max Patch last night was spectacular. New Moon-no clouds-perfect star gazing circumstances. I saw 3 shooting stars-Pinkfire saw 5 and Loz fell fast asleep on the mountain top. Got a late start out this AM but revelled int he afternoon thundershowers and made it to Deer Park Mtn. Shelter by 5. That was a pretty easy 16.4 miles with only 2 notable ups. Thunder is still echoing in the distance-hopefully we have a peaceful night. No news is good news, I suppose. Still loving every minute of everyday.
"Who can leap the world's ties and sit with me in the white clouds?"
So last night we got poured on (rain). Luckily 15 minutes after we arrived at the shelter. Pinkfire got us H2O and even cooked 2 dinners in that time while Loz and I were recovering our strength. The storm was powerful and amazing and the food Pinkfire shared with us was warm in our bellies. We all slept well and got a quick start down to Hot Springs today. Got our mail drop, got tons of good food, internet access, and outfitter- we're staying at the "Sunnybank Inn" tonight, a beautiful hostel built in 1840-looks like a victorian plantation-so beautiful. Loz is enthralled by the motorcycle rally in town this weekend and I'm looking forward to the hot tubs tonight. All is well. Love, Jenga
Spent the day at the NOC (Nantahala Outdoor Center) watching the river flow by. They were training white water rafting guides so we got to watch them playing in the river. Loz and I did laundry and showers-then had chicken quesadillas for lunch, ice cream sandwiches for snack-a coke each, chicken shepa for dinner and a pint of Ben and Jerry's Fudge ice cream for dessert. How fabulous. Bought an air pad to sleep on-hope it helps me sleep through the night better. I did a puzzle at night and we all went to bed pretty late (10:30)
Woke up to Loz telling me I had just slept through a huge thunderstorm at 6:30 am. Turns out she was delusional. The hurricane hit NC south of us. Yay!! So I woke Pinkfie up around 8 and we went to the store and I got an ice cream sandwich for breakfast. Took another shower, headed up the mnts by 10 am. 7 miles up-literally-with the heaviest packs we'll ever carry (12 days food and full H2O) and we met the boy scouts for lunch. Then we pushed on another 9 miles to FINALLY make it to Brown Fork shelter by 7:30/ 16 mile today-mostly uphill. Twas a rough day.
What a night last night. Still can't believe that late uphill hike. Crazy. So I let the sleepyheads sleep in a little bit this am. We finally got on the trail by 9 am. Made it to lunch pretty easily-quite a bit of uphill after that though....(There was a lengthy discussion of sweat here, which the editor edited out)...We got to Fontana Dam today and took the $2 Shuttle to the ice cream/grocery store. Our purchases thus far are:
2 milkshakes
1 big block of cheese
1 loaf of bread
1 Mt. Dew
1 can of potato sticks
1 pack of oreo's
1 bag of grapes
1 banana
That was just for Loz and I. Pinkfire had 3 root beers, 4 sandwiches and other foods to last him through the Smokey Mountains. It has been a good day thus far-my right big toe is a little numb, but only when I'm not walking-so I guess It'll be ok. My new wxpensive air mattress gave me a beautiful night's sleep-short, but comfortable. We're headed into the Smokey Mountains tonight. 1600 Bears in the very near vicinity. Should be an interesting next few days.
Last night we went swimming in Fontana Lake. What a blast!! It was so fun to use muscles other than those required for hiking. Yay. Then we cooked some dinner around 8:30 and chatted with the 7 or so other people staying at the "Fontana Hilton" literally, they have that name on the outside of the shelter-it had runnig water, electric lights and a chain linkfence around it to keep out the wildlife. Plus, trash cans and flush toilet 100 yards away. Talk about high living-wow. So I slept really well last night-slept in until 6:08 this AM-which is good for me. Loz and I had oatmeal and hot chocolate for breakfast-then she crossed the dam and headed for the mountains while pinkfire and I stopped to take advantage of the free showers provided for hikers. Someone had even left some shampoo there for me. We finally crossed the dam aroung 9:454 and by 10:15 were pretty mych taking another shower-in our own sweat. Caught up to Loz around noon and got a view of the world from a fire tower-SO breathtaking. Headed another mile to a campsite for lunch. On the way up, Loz saw a1 bear and pinkfire and I saw 3 snakes-including our first rattlesnake. Got pictures and everything-very exciting. It was just soaking in the sunshine on some rocks atop the mountain. Saw quite a few people today-very few headed the same direction as us anymore. Since tomorrow if Father's Day, we're hoping to find generous picnicing families. Got in early (4:00) to Mollies Ridge shelter tonight-We're in a "bear alert" area-but talked to folks who stayed here last night with no signs of beastly activity. Although now that we're in the Smokeys, there are supposedly wild boars running rampant-and close on their heels is the boar hunter. He's supposed to carry a big old gun with night vision scope and go around and kill the boars. I hope we get to meet him. We've noticed a few ticks today-so we do thorough checks throughout the day.
Ah-something that struck me again yesterday-waiting for things really does make them better. That milkshake I finally had yesterday-it tasted divine because I had built up such anticipation for it- and every time I thought about it, I enjoyed it too. That works in the real world too-having to wait for things and then really enjoying them. And now-to end the day's entry with some song lyrics that have been playing in my head all day:
If you're going through hell
Keep on going
Don't slow down.
If you're scared
don't show it
Your might get out
before the devil even knows you're there...
Oh yeah-one more thing before I sign off for the day-as we were ascending 3000 feet early this morning, I was expecially thankful for my beating heart. It has served me so well alreay this trip-and I sure ask a lot of it when we tackle those mountains-and the sweat is literally streaming down our faces, my faithful little heart is pumping gallons and gallons of blood to my limbs. It's so strong and so reliable. It's a good thing to have. In other news-its 8:00 pm and Loz is already in bed. So I'll just ramble for a bit. We ate 3 dinners between us tonight-since we're still agead-we have just decided to eat untl we're no longer hungry. There are probably half a million gnats swarming around me right now-how fun. My right big toe is still partially numb and I got stung by a bee today on my foot. All in all-feeling good.
Next subject-a little more serious-water. It's importance is astounding. The ownership of, the consumption of and the ability to axquire it. I spent at least 30 minutes today watching precious drops of the liquid gold drip into water bottles today and this make me realize how often most people take it for granted. To have running water in you house-what a luzury! I will forever appreciate running H2O after this trip.
Moving on the the daily report of things we did today. Woke at 6:30-left by 7:30-went over 6 miles to an early lunch at 10:45, then went up 6 more miles till dinner at 4:45 and here we sit. It's been another beautiful day weatherwise-no real rain to speak of in 2 weeks. The temps are 85 in the day and 50 at night. Feels so much colder when the wind blows. Well-off to my mashed potatoes for dinner. mmmmboy.
Loz's quote of the day:
"I give up, just turn my body into a gnat feast" Jenga
Walking to PA from GA is a completely different animal than a day or week hike. There's just no comparison. So today-early start-7:30-got to a shelter for lunch right before the downpour. It lasted for half and hour or so and sufficiently made the grass wet for the remainder of the afternoon. Got to Clingman's Dome-so smokey we couldn't see anything-pretty anti-climatic, but there still were alot of people around. Got to the shelter around 4-pinkfire shows up soon after, sounding like a bear-then shortly following come 2 guys-a little older than us, and most obviously wrestlers. Loz asked where they were from and the older one say, from PA-a small town south of Erie-Meadville. Our mouths dropped to the ground. They are Dusty and Dorian Heist. We went to high school with them. Small world. They brought with them a mechede (for bears) and an axe to cut down trees. Therefore-we have a rip roaring fire riht now to dry out our boots. It's unbelievable how everything works out better than you could ever imagine. Trails have a funny way of working the kinks out of a day.
On further reflection-I disagree with my last statement. The trail does not work the kinks out of a day. The trail does absolutely nothing. The trail is simply the meduim by which we are able to discover deeper truths about ourselves, humans, nature and most importantly, God. We had so many unmelievably wonderful things happen to us today. After stayingwith Dorian and Dusty-we were still in shock that we had met Meadville boys on the AT. We set out at 7:15 for our first ever 20 mile day. Right before lunch, we just reached the top of a 1000 ft. climb and there sitting on the trail is a 2 liter of "Bubba's Cola". How did the trail angels know I had been craving carbonated caffeine? Then-we got to the next shelter at lunch and there were 4 goth high school kids with a cooler full of hot dogs and ketchup and all sorts of stuff. Apparently they left the soda on the trail. Then-we meet a girl from TN-goint to acting school in Chicago-its her last day on the trail and she gladly donates a full bag of trail mix and 10 hot dogs. Amazing! The 20 miles could not go by fast enough. Out of water-completely. We finally rolled into our target shelter around 6 pm-met 6 other short term hikers and enjoyed our hot dogs and the benches to the fullest. What an amazing day. I really don't think our first 20 mile day could have been better than it was. We're roughly 220 miles into the trail-17 days and it just keeps getting better.
Now for my observation of the day. 2 things on the trail naturally excite me. 1.Cold Water and 2. Double Blazes. The cold water thing- any form, a stream, spring, lake, or rain-I love it. It wasn't until today when we finally ran out of water that I fully appreciated its importance. The double blazes mean that something is coming up on the trail. Either a turn or a view or a spring or a gap or a sign or a road or some other interesting part of the trail. I love to see those double blazes. ooowhee.
MMM...as I'm writing tonight, I am eating cheese puffs at the shelter. They are amazing. Pinkfire just attempted to feed a frog a cheese puff-unsuccessfully. So on to the previous parts of the day. Woke up at 6:30 as usual, got out by 7:15-pretty fast morning. All downhill for 15 miles Pinkfire and I got into Davenport Gap shelter around 2:30- that's including an hour lunch break. Talk about some fast miles today-feet were a little tender and blistery from our 20 miles yesterday. Anyway, Loz didn't sleep much last night and so 3 miles before the shelter she decided she needed to lie down and take a nap. So-when she got to the shelter, she went to sleep again for 3 hours while pinkfire and I ventured 2.5 miles further into the gap to a place called "Kountry Mama's Kitchen" where we ate the absolute best cheeseburgers ever. (Pinkfire actually downed two). I had a berries and cream Dr. Pepper and a sunkist orange pop, and a small bag of white cheddar popcorn and and ice cream sandwich. Pinkfire carried a root beer and a milky way for Loz and we all feasted tonight. We're at a shelter alone for the first time in a while-1 mile left in the Smoky mountains.
Max Patch is absolutely beautiful. We have a full panoramic view of the mountains and soft grass beneath our sleeping bags. Tummies full of potatoes and wild strawberries and happy hiker minds because we know that on Saturday we have actual reservations at the hot ubs in Hot Springs, NC. Amazing.
So we woke up today and relized there was a hostel 3.5 miles ahead. So-we pushed to get there for a 9:30 breakfast of a supreme Djorno Pizza. Delicious! We also happened upon a hiker box that had a package of pancake mix in it-so of course I made them-put them in a plastic bag and tooke them for a 3:00 lunch. We hiked for a total of 16.4 hard miles today so that we can sleep up here under the stars. We have finished about250.9 miles of the trail to this point. Pretty impressive for 19 days. My fingers are completely strawberry stained and I plan to increase the red color in them before the ebening ends. Good night and here's hoping for some brilliant stars tonight."
Max Patch last night was spectacular. New Moon-no clouds-perfect star gazing circumstances. I saw 3 shooting stars-Pinkfire saw 5 and Loz fell fast asleep on the mountain top. Got a late start out this AM but revelled int he afternoon thundershowers and made it to Deer Park Mtn. Shelter by 5. That was a pretty easy 16.4 miles with only 2 notable ups. Thunder is still echoing in the distance-hopefully we have a peaceful night. No news is good news, I suppose. Still loving every minute of everyday.
"Who can leap the world's ties and sit with me in the white clouds?"
So last night we got poured on (rain). Luckily 15 minutes after we arrived at the shelter. Pinkfire got us H2O and even cooked 2 dinners in that time while Loz and I were recovering our strength. The storm was powerful and amazing and the food Pinkfire shared with us was warm in our bellies. We all slept well and got a quick start down to Hot Springs today. Got our mail drop, got tons of good food, internet access, and outfitter- we're staying at the "Sunnybank Inn" tonight, a beautiful hostel built in 1840-looks like a victorian plantation-so beautiful. Loz is enthralled by the motorcycle rally in town this weekend and I'm looking forward to the hot tubs tonight. All is well. Love, Jenga
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