We received letters written on various scraps of paper today. I'll start with June 4 because that is when they started hiking.
June 4
Said goodbye to all the wedding people-met Leslie at the airport. Left Atlanta around 2 after having our last meal at Doc Green's. Loz had a chicken sandwich and I had salad. Found Amilacola State Park by 4 --> official departure time 16:17, by 16:32-sweat dripping down our faces. Light sprinkles. 88 = beautiful hiking weather.Cont.
Got to the peak of Springer Mt. just as the sun set. Absolutely breathtaking. A "strenuous" 7.5 miles took us roughly 4 hours. We arrived at the shelter/campsite at 9:00 pm - there are 2 tenting groups nearby. Awesome bear bag setup is provided as this is a high-risk bear area. We're the only ones in the shelter and it has a sweet loft only accessible by ladder. Going to bed early to stay warm. It's quite breezy here atop the Mts. Not to much pain. Loz - 10, Jenga-10 (rating trail days on 1-10)June 5
Monday. Woke up with the sunrise after a rather sleepless night. No real problems- a few mice, real windy and cold and a hard wooden ground. Decided that by 6:30 AM we might as well get a move on. Ate, cleaned up, rolled out by 7:45 en route to Gooch Mtn. By 11:30 we had run across or into 29 people. Stopped at Black Hawk Shelter at 11:30 and met Greg from NY- Laura gave him the trail name "pinky" because of his pink floyd t-shirt and he's hung/hiked with us all day. Nice guy. We made 14.7 miles or so by 5:00 easy. The people count for today is up to 36 and still could increase. Other noteable interaction- met a college gal named Keri and her black dog. She should make it here tonight and plans to be on the trail for 2 and a half months. "Pinky" is headed to NY and has roughly 3 months.
June 6
Got up before sunrise this AM- rekindled a fire some people had had the night before- Laura and I headed out by 7. Met up with Pinky not too far down. Hiked 5 miles to Woody Gap with garbage cans and picnic area. Laura's knee's been bugging her, but she is keeping up a pretty decent pace. Finally saw some beautiful vistas this morning- its still a bit chilly- any time we stop I have to pull on a jacket to stay warm. Shooting for 9+ more miles today if Laura's knee holds up.
Well- we did end up making it to Blood Mtn. But when we got there, 20 ROTC highschool guys had already claimed the shelter. So, since it was only 5 pm we decided to trek back down the Mtn to Neels Gap. (FYI-Blood Mtn is 44 el' high.) Quite a trek. Loz's knee is still troubling her-but we're staying in a hostel at Neels Gap and she found a free elbow brace to use around her knee. We all took showers- much needed although our laundry tomorrow will probably not get done and therefore we'll smell as soon as we get dressed. I forgot to mention that we saw a mother turkey and 3 baby turkeys yesterday. Also- Pinky decided he would change his name to "Pink Fire" the name of a beautiful type of wildflower we see daily. Anyways- he kept up with us all day and has proven to be a wonderful traveling companion. Who knows what tomorrow brings though- he's heading into town to restock tomorrow and we're headed slowly up the trail. A few minor blisters, aches and pains but nothing unbearable. We're having a blast. Miss you all! Love, Jenga
PS- it's been really hard to introduce myself by another name. I feel really weird and Laura (Loz) sometimes calls me Lauren by accident. I do the same to her. But is was really neat tonight when twice, Pink Fire called me "Jenga". I think it'll grow on me. It's funny how I'm sitting in the hostel right now and the sun just went down (meaning its 9:00) and I am totally ready for bed. By 6:30 AM tomorrow though I'll be up and hopefully moving. I think we're gonna hang around here till 8:30 at least because that's when the store opens and we can buy some bread and hopefully mail home this first batch of pictures and letters. Ah- I must also make a comment about the weather. It has been unbelievably beautiful every single day thus far. Wow. I've never seen more blue skies. Up at the higher elevations its quite breezy and I usually get a chill from just sitting down for a few minutes while hiking. It makes for great temps during the day with all the P.U.D.S (pointless ups and downs) but at night it gets down right chilly. I slept with all my clothes on last night, and my rain coat on top of me and I was still kept awake from the cold. Hopefully as we progress the nights will get warmer and my body will adjust to the cool night air. Well- it is just about time for me to hit the hay too. So far, so good. Lovin' every minute of it. We're lookin' out for each other- no worries mum. Love, Jenga
* the picture memory card fell out of the envelope while it was mailing, thus, no pictures. What a tragedy, however, she might be able to recover some from either Loz or Pink Flame, depending on if either of them have cameras along.
* the picture memory card fell out of the envelope while it was mailing, thus, no pictures. What a tragedy, however, she might be able to recover some from either Loz or Pink Flame, depending on if either of them have cameras along.
Loz called sherry yesterday and asked her to send a knee brace and ankle brace. Sherry took it up to momC today to get it mailed out. Said she saw some kind of trail MD
that looked at her knee, and told her to not eat peanuts or anything with aspertane in it. Thought it might be affecting the strength in her knee.
Mom H
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