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Location: PA, United States


Live Update #2

We're at Karina's tonight and prolly tomorrow night - watching fireworks out the window, spaghetti is cooking in the kitchen, there was an ice cream cake awaiting us for my birthday... so spectacular! Pinkfire decided to push on to Damascus, but will wait for us there most likely... I'll write more tomorrow. Cheers ya'll.

* Here's a few pics from yesterday at Laurel Falls and here at Karina's, she got me an ice cream cake for my birthday, since I can't carry anything.. I have an odd feeling I might get a little bit of food in the mail in the coming month...

Surprise! Karina showed up at the falls to see us, much earlier than expected, hooray for a nice late afternoon hike!

Loz, Jenga and Karina in front of the falls... they weren't as cold as I remember them being, but just as beautiful!

Pinkfire felt naked after Loz and I put our shirts on.. lol...Hooray for Ice Cream cake and good friends! We didn't even bother to shower before we devoured this cake... not to mention the spaghetti that we made and ate at 11 later this evening! :)

We're about to eat lunch now.. (3:15) and plan on dinner a few hours after that. It's been amazing to sit around, we watched Batman Begins already this morning and hope to fit another movie in.

Pinkfire's mom - it's good to hear from you, I'm glad you found the website and we will let him know that you are reading and looking at pictures and things when we catch up to him in Damascus.. he should be there for a few days.

Everyone else, please feel free to leave comments - we love to hear from you, even if it's just to say that you're reading. Don't be shy! Hope you all enjoy the food and sun on this 4th of July holiday - cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jenga,
This is Pink Fire's mom. Hope all of you are well. I can't tell you how much I appreciate the info. Please give pink fire our best. I hope Loz's knee continues to improve. Best to all and Happy "4th"


11:43 AM  

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