strange, striking, perhaps even beautiful

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Location: PA, United States



Hey friends! It's Jenga - writing from a public internet terminal in HOT SPRINGS, NC. It's beautiful here! I haven't called home yet today - due to limited/no cell phone service, but I will shortly contact family and a few friends. Thanks mum and Karina for the package and letters! The jerky and goldfish crackers are AMAZING. I'll be sending letters home soon for Erin to type up, but let me just tell ya'll about the past 2 days. Two nights ago we slept out up on the top of Max Patch - it's a beautiful grassy field where you can see millions of stars. We hit it by accident on a new moon and perfectly clear skies - needless to say we didn't sleep too much that night. Then we headed 16 point some miles to Deer Park Mountain Shelter and only got downpoured on for a little while on the way there, felt like our first shower in 9-10 days. But - within 15 minutes of getting to the shelter, the skies let loose and we thought we heard trains. Loz was a little worried, but we hunkered down in the shelter and listened to the thunder echo through the mountains. Priceless. Our timing the past three weeks has been impecable. Got to Hot Springs this AM around 8/830 and got to the post office before it closed, we're all set up in the sweetest hostel ever - an old plantation house and Pinkfire and Loz are showering now - they think I'm doing laundry - which i am - i just took a 30 minute time out to get online. We're gonna clean ourselves up, eat some more amazing food and tonight... oh man tonight... we have reservations for the Hot Springs HOT TUBS!! wicked... they are natural hot springs and they pipe the 105 degree water into actual hot tubs... it's gonna feel pretty close to heaven. Believe it or not - there is a motorcycle rally going on here in Hot Springs this weekend - so Loz is lovin' life - she's planning on getting a motorcycle ride later today too. Life is good - I smell really bad - and I need to go throw our laundry in the dryer. Take care everyone, I think about you all often and I hope to have some more picture and letters to Erin within a few days. LOVE, Jenga


More Letters to Home

Due to the length of this section (26 pages) I'll leave some things out. Red= funny/interesting/adrenaline laced story.

Wed. June 7
Slept super-well at the hostel last night- I think I finally woke up at 9:30. We bought some bagels, a barq's rootbeer and a stamp at the store, and then slowly continued on our way. Since it was such a late start (11:30) we weren't sure how far we'd go- we got to Whitney Gap Shelter (6.2 miles) and realized it was 1.2 miles to the actual shelter. So to get there and back we might as well push on to the next one - Low Gap, and here we sit/lay/stay. 10.6 miles for the day. Dinners were good tonight- broccoli and cheese rice and 4 cheese instant mashed potatoes. Yum! Laura's knee is still a major hindrance in distance. I hope we can rest it enough to heal it. We're at the shelter tonight with Pink Fire and a guy we just met- Ian. It's been the warmest day yet- I hope tonight follows that trend.
Average Day
6:30 AM- wake up
7:30AM- 1/2 of a rice krispee treat
9:00AM- 1/2 of an apricot cliff bar
10:30 AM- 1/2 marathon snickers bar
11:15AM- 1/2 bagel with PB and 8 banana chips
2:45 PM- 1/2 marathon snickers bar
6 PM- 8 more banana chips
7:30 PM- 1 pkg instand mashed potatoes, 1/2 cliff bar
9 PM- bed time

June 8
Woke up with the sun again. Around 6:30 Loz and I headed up to Blue Mtn. then on to Tray Mtn. Shelter for a grand total of 14.9 miles. Pretty decent milage for Laura with a bum knee on LOTS of ups and downs. While Loz sent me down a "treacherous" path to find H2O, she went on ahead to find a 6' black snake in the middle of the trail. See if I'll leave her again! Met up with Pink Fire on Blue Mtn. and had a delightful hour lunch break. ......... As I got her in sight she's blank faced, yelling at me in a high pitched voice, "bear! bear!" of course my natural reaction when someone says that is not to run towards-but rather away from the said animal. But I forgot those natural instincts and ran towards her, thinking perhaps I could fend it off with my deadly hiking sticks. Luckily- the bear was just as scared as we were and quickly loped up the hill and got out of sight. I never actually got a glimpse of it, but Loz says it was a medium sized one. .........

June 9
To begin - let me recount the evening after my entry last night. Well-we (Loz and I) had just sat down to play a few cards while Pink Fire went to the rocks with a beautiful view of the mts. 5 minutes later, Pink Fire runs back to the shelter and says "guess what I just saw!" of course- bear. So we all quickly packed up our food bags and hung them on the line, grabbed our jackets and tip toed out to the same rocks form which Pink Fire claimed to have seen a bear. Low and behold not 10 minutes after we sit down we see one way off in the woods. We all oooo and ahh and then settle in to watch the reverse sunset. (from the opposite side of the mtn.) A little while passes and we hear cracking twigs in the rocks just below us. Loz jumps back and edges toward the only exit off the rock face. We watch as a bear cub meanders across below the edge of the rock and shortly, we hear birds squawking behind us. We turn and hear sticks crash off into the brush. Both bears were gone. So, adrenaline high, we vote not to go to bed but rather to star gaze on the beautiful rock face. Pink Fire leaves to get a coat and doesn't come back for quite awhile. We hear sticks cracking in the woods behind us and Loz starts to flip out but I point out that it's all coming from the exact same spot. Thanks Pink Fire.

June 10
Wow were those mice pesky last night! When I sat up at 6 am, 2 scampered out from under Loz's head. Pink Fire found at least 4 in his pack before we left the shelter-no observed damage though. We left expecting a real easy 13 mile day-ended up being some pretty rough terrain after all. Stopped at a shelter for lunch where I rekindled a fire to toast our bagels. We pushed on slowly after lunch-met a lot of people at Deep Gap, NC...GA was nice-they had sweet bear cables. Now we have to fend them off our food by ourselves.
June 11
So to begin where I left off last evening, we realized that now that we're in NC, there are no pre-hung bear cables available to hang our food. Not cool, but no big deal, eh? I've hung plenty of bear bags in my short lifetime. So I tie my nalgene to the end of a rope and heave it towards the highest branch I can see. No luck. I guess I need to work on my slowpitch softball skills. Luckily, nearby is pink fire. He agrees to give the bottle a toss into the treetops for me. HA. He got it in the tree alright. Way past our objective branch, wrapped twice around the limb and twisted. Well, that's fine-we still have a hold of the other end of the rope. HA. So we get the bright idea to tie a rock to the free end of the rope and throw it through the limbs of the tree in the exact projectory path that the nalgene took. HA. So now the rock, tied to the other end of the tree is completely twisted in the tree tops, probably 50 feet up. OK then. This is no where near over. Let's find "a really big stick". HA. I found a dead tree-literally-in the woods and we dragged it over. Pink Fire hoists it up the 20-25 feet and attempts to twist the rope around the stick and forcefully pull it down. No luck. That thing is holding tight. Not one to let a tree get the better of him, Pink fire attempts to climb up the tree.. Unsuccessful, he steps on a tree nearby and the culprit tree and wedges himself up between them until he is doing a precarious split and the coveted nalgene bottle is literally 6 inches from his grasp. I hand him a stick but he can't get the right angle or leverage, so down he comes, safely to the ground, sweating profusely in this crazy man vs. tree battle. Next, he grabs the dead tree and tries to flip the bottle over the branch-only to get a barrage of tree bark in his eyes. Meanwhile, I'm laughing and trying to help, Loz in lounging off in the distance in the sun and the gentleman at the shelter with us is trying to add his 2 cents. Finally, Pinkfire successfully twists the rope around the tree enough to literally rip the bottle from the rope. The lid is no longer attached to my nalgene, and our extra rope is high in the tree tops near Standing Indian shelter. But looking at the bright side, I got free entertainment last night and now my pack is lighter, too.
So there were a few other people at the shelter last night-we were in bed by 8:45 though. No mice whatsoever. I finally dreamed-Karina you were in it so ask me about it sometime. Woke up the AM around 6:09-a beautiful morning yet again. Hiked 7 ridiculously easy miles to lunch-met a section hiker-retired military living north of Nashville now (in Johnny Cash's town) and he demanded that we help him lighten his load by eating some food. Loz and Pinkfire got "Zero" bars, but I kept my eyes on the prize: the huge bag of gorp he had! It was simply raisins, peanuts and M&M's but oh man-nothing has tasted better to me as long as I can remember. It was like heaven! After lunch did some easy 4 miles or so-then up "Big Butt Mountain"-yes, that's really its name. To end the hiking day, Pinkfire and I tackled Albert Mountain while Loz took an easier alternate route to save her knees. It was a difficult, but spectacular climb to the firetower at the summit...My observation for the day: Sweat=Sweet.
June 12
...Now-to try to tell the tales of the last 24 hours. Last night after Loz and I had eaten our supper, 3 ladies showed up to the shelter. We had met them breifly earlier in the day when we blew past them. They are 3 middle school teachers from FL, ages 46, 43 and 28. They were so much fun to have in camp last night. Good natured, talkative, extremely generous. They ate their dinners and the one lady decided she couldn't finish hers. Now out in bear country you eat your food-all of it or you find another human that will. There's no tossing food into the woods or burning it to get rid of it. So-she handed over to Loz and I her $8 freeze dried already cooked chicken and rice dinner. She had taken maybe 5 bites. Of course, we devoured it. They relized we were hungry and started forcing food on us-pringles, trail mix, cashews and almonds. Then they promised us dessert too. We were happy and stuffed so we decided to walk back up the back of Mt. Albert to the firetower to watch the sun set. It was delightful but chilly. When we returned at dark, the women called out from their tents that they had left us dessert on the table. By dessert they meant dark chocolate cheesecake and tiraminsu(SP?) Delicious...
Moving on, Loz and I hiked an easy 5 mile downhill section to the next shelter, where pinkfire had stayed last night. When we arrived, a skinny middle aged man was expecting us (Editor's note- Pinkfire stayed at the shelter with this man last night and told him about Loz's knee). As soon as Loz made it to the shelter, he said, "You must be the one with the knee problem." She said yes and we all chatted for a while...anyways, he pulls out a real knee brace and asks Loz to try it on. It fits well and since he's hitching a ride to town today to end his hike, he bequeaths it to her. Amazing...It was an answer to prayer that this man waited for us this morning. He had slept in a hammock all the other nights he was out, but chose last night to stay in a shelter. Pinkfire had stayed with us all the other nights, but last night he pushed on.
So-we made about 16 miles today-we're tenting for the first time...Time flies out here. Everyday there's something new, exciting, different. We have to adapt and make due and push through. We work together and laugh and sweat and though we haven't made it yet-its all worth it. All of it.
June 14
Love to all-keep us in your prayers as we enter the Smokey Mountains-wild boars and bears and lots of wet days...



We received letters written on various scraps of paper today. I'll start with June 4 because that is when they started hiking.
June 4
Said goodbye to all the wedding people-met Leslie at the airport. Left Atlanta around 2 after having our last meal at Doc Green's. Loz had a chicken sandwich and I had salad. Found Amilacola State Park by 4 --> official departure time 16:17, by 16:32-sweat dripping down our faces. Light sprinkles. 88 = beautiful hiking weather.
Got to the peak of Springer Mt. just as the sun set. Absolutely breathtaking. A "strenuous" 7.5 miles took us roughly 4 hours. We arrived at the shelter/campsite at 9:00 pm - there are 2 tenting groups nearby. Awesome bear bag setup is provided as this is a high-risk bear area. We're the only ones in the shelter and it has a sweet loft only accessible by ladder. Going to bed early to stay warm. It's quite breezy here atop the Mts. Not to much pain. Loz - 10, Jenga-10 (rating trail days on 1-10)

June 5
Monday. Woke up with the sunrise after a rather sleepless night. No real problems- a few mice, real windy and cold and a hard wooden ground. Decided that by 6:30 AM we might as well get a move on. Ate, cleaned up, rolled out by 7:45 en route to Gooch Mtn. By 11:30 we had run across or into 29 people. Stopped at Black Hawk Shelter at 11:30 and met Greg from NY- Laura gave him the trail name "pinky" because of his pink floyd t-shirt and he's hung/hiked with us all day. Nice guy. We made 14.7 miles or so by 5:00 easy. The people count for today is up to 36 and still could increase. Other noteable interaction- met a college gal named Keri and her black dog. She should make it here tonight and plans to be on the trail for 2 and a half months. "Pinky" is headed to NY and has roughly 3 months.

June 6
Got up before sunrise this AM- rekindled a fire some people had had the night before- Laura and I headed out by 7. Met up with Pinky not too far down. Hiked 5 miles to Woody Gap with garbage cans and picnic area. Laura's knee's been bugging her, but she is keeping up a pretty decent pace. Finally saw some beautiful vistas this morning- its still a bit chilly- any time we stop I have to pull on a jacket to stay warm. Shooting for 9+ more miles today if Laura's knee holds up.
Well- we did end up making it to Blood Mtn. But when we got there, 20 ROTC highschool guys had already claimed the shelter. So, since it was only 5 pm we decided to trek back down the Mtn to Neels Gap. (FYI-Blood Mtn is 44 el' high.) Quite a trek. Loz's knee is still troubling her-but we're staying in a hostel at Neels Gap and she found a free elbow brace to use around her knee. We all took showers- much needed although our laundry tomorrow will probably not get done and therefore we'll smell as soon as we get dressed. I forgot to mention that we saw a mother turkey and 3 baby turkeys yesterday. Also- Pinky decided he would change his name to "Pink Fire" the name of a beautiful type of wildflower we see daily. Anyways- he kept up with us all day and has proven to be a wonderful traveling companion. Who knows what tomorrow brings though- he's heading into town to restock tomorrow and we're headed slowly up the trail. A few minor blisters, aches and pains but nothing unbearable. We're having a blast. Miss you all! Love, Jenga
PS- it's been really hard to introduce myself by another name. I feel really weird and Laura (Loz) sometimes calls me Lauren by accident. I do the same to her. But is was really neat tonight when twice, Pink Fire called me "Jenga". I think it'll grow on me. It's funny how I'm sitting in the hostel right now and the sun just went down (meaning its 9:00) and I am totally ready for bed. By 6:30 AM tomorrow though I'll be up and hopefully moving. I think we're gonna hang around here till 8:30 at least because that's when the store opens and we can buy some bread and hopefully mail home this first batch of pictures and letters. Ah- I must also make a comment about the weather. It has been unbelievably beautiful every single day thus far. Wow. I've never seen more blue skies. Up at the higher elevations its quite breezy and I usually get a chill from just sitting down for a few minutes while hiking. It makes for great temps during the day with all the P.U.D.S (pointless ups and downs) but at night it gets down right chilly. I slept with all my clothes on last night, and my rain coat on top of me and I was still kept awake from the cold. Hopefully as we progress the nights will get warmer and my body will adjust to the cool night air. Well- it is just about time for me to hit the hay too. So far, so good. Lovin' every minute of it. We're lookin' out for each other- no worries mum. Love, Jenga
* the picture memory card fell out of the envelope while it was mailing, thus, no pictures. What a tragedy, however, she might be able to recover some from either Loz or Pink Flame, depending on if either of them have cameras along.

My parents received a call from Lauren today. Things are still going well, sun is shining and it hasn't rained yet. The nights have been rather chilly. They had a pretty sweet wildlife encounter today. Along the trail Laura saw one bear that Lauren didn't, and then they saw too right near their shelter. I don't know, I would be freaking out. They're still a day ahead of schedule, which is good news and they are still hiking with pink fire. That's about all that's going on. Have a good night.


Lauren just called, she seemed very excited, and most importantly the food is holding out well. Laura has a slightly bum knee, but with time hopefully it will recover on it's own. They got showers and will sleep at Walasi-Yi Center in Neels Gap. For any of you keeping track at home that's about 4 miles ahead of schedule. A lot of people were on the trail yesterday and today and there was an ROTC group practicing. Sounds thrilling. They made a new friend "Gregg from New York" and gave him the name Pinkie due to his Pink Floyd shirt he had on when they met. Unfortunately this name didn't go over well so he is now Pink Flame (named after a really neato flower) He's hiking back up to his homeland of New York with a little more time alloted, so if they don't hike with him they'll at least be close. That's all for now, pictures should be coming in the not-too-distant future.



June 4. Lauren and Laura have started their journey by now. The wedding is over, and I'm sure it was fabulous. The plan for today is to hike to the actual start of the trail through 8 miles of virgin timber. Due to a nice coincidence it is also National Trail Day, a wonderful time to commence hiking. They should be coming up to a post office in the near future so hopefully I'll have a letter soon. In the meanwhile I'm sure they would appreciate any prayers or encouragment. I can send letters if you mail them here. Have a wonderful day!


Leaving on a jet plane

Well, this is it. My last personal post. For the rest of the summer, Erin will be working hard to keep you all as up to date as possible.

It's been hard to say goodbye - mostly to family - and mostly because they're super worried about me. I will do everything I can to stay safe, but in the end, God is in control, not me. One final thanks to everyone who has prayed for and encouraged me the past 50 days - I will keep you in mind and prayer as I walk. Have a beautiful summer friends. -Jenga

"It's something unpredictable,
but in the end it's right
I hope you have the time of your life."